Adult Education

St. Paul's strong Adult Education program offers a variety of short- and long-term classes throughout the year. We seek to feed those hungry to know more about God, the church, and the world. Our opportunities are developed by Meg Baker, Director of Christian Education, in close collaboration with the Adult Education Committee.

Fall 2024 Study Classes

This Fall, we have two study classes meeeting regularly. Please find information and registration links below!

  • Questions Jesus Asked

    Questions Jesus Asked: A Six-Week Study in the Gospels

    Text by Magrey deVega

    Co-led by Pastors Sheridan and Joey

    Tuesdays, Sept 24 – Oct 29, 2024

    6:30-7:30 PM

    Room 109

    $15 includes text

    Register by September 15

    Jesus was fond of asking questions, many of which cut right to the heart of what it means to be human. Why are you terrified? What do you live for? Who do you say that I am? Author Magrey deVega explores six of the most provocative questions Jesus posed to others and guides us in answering them for ourselves. Asking these questions takes courage. Not only do they reveal what Jesus really cares about, they open a window into our hearts. When we dare to raise them, these questions bring us a fuller appreciation for the wisdom, power, and presence of God in our lives. 

    Register by September 15. To register and pay online by credit card, click the button here:

    Questions Jesus Asked Registration

    To pay by cash or check, please use the paper sign-up sheet located in the church office. For more information, please contact Dr. Meg Baker at

  • The Gift Of Empathy

    The Gift of Empathy

    Text by Joel Bretscher and Kenneth Haugk

    Co-led by Meg Baker, Virginia Bickford, Martha Lipscomb, and Marie Muller

    Sundays, Sept 22, Oct 27, and Nov 24

    12:00 noon – 1:30 PM in Room 109

    $20 includes text and a light lunch during each session

    Registration extended to September 15!

    Empathy is something we all need—and it’s something we all can give. The Gift of Empathy: Helping Others Feel Valued, Cared for, and Understood, a three-session book study, lays out principles and practices that empower people to better understand, connect with, and care for family, friends, coworkers, and others. This study presents a fresh approach to a familiar concept, providing practical insights and real-life examples that equip readers to relate in empathetic ways that make a difference in the lives of all those they encounter. While the class is being offered through St. Paul’s Stephen Ministry, all are welcome to participate. 

    Register by September 8. To register and pay online by credit card, click the button:

    The Gift of Empathy Registration

    To pay by cash or check, please use the paper sign-up sheet located in the church office. For more information, please contact Dr. Meg Baker at 

Taste & Sing

Next up:

September 17, 2024

12:00 noon - 1:00 PM

Octagon Room

Our casual time of food and song is held at 12:00 noon in the Octagon, September-May, usually on the third Tuesday of the month. With Meg Baker on piano and Erin Steele leading the singing, we’ll sing some hymns suggested by the group. Feel free to request your favorites! Then we enjoy a short program on a featured composer, lyricist, or theme, offering a deeper dive into the stories behind our worship songs. No musical experience needed!

Our time together culminates with fellowship over a tasty lunch for a $5 donation. Each meal is lovingly prepared by Ginny Hagberg.

Virtual Study Groups

Drop-in ANytime or Join Now!

During most of the programming year, we offer some form of adult study opportunity each week. All of these studies are designed to no-prep, no-stress, and free-of-charge (some with optional study guides available for those who wish to dig deeper). Participants may attend on a regular, occasional, or a drop-in basis. 

Each session is held through the Zoom meeting platform. If you have never zoomed before, have no fear. Zoom makes it easy to participate online from your computer, by cell phone, or by your home phone. 

For more information, please contact the Minister of Spiritual Care and Formation, Dr. Meg Baker, at or 301-933-7933, ext. 104. If you are interested in setting up an independent small group for study, prayer, or support and would appreciate some guidance, Meg is also available to help you get started.

  • Wednesday Bible Study:

    Sermon Safari (Ongoing)

    Wednesday Bible Study: Sermon Safari


    4:00-5:00 PM by Zoom

    Please join us for this weekly come-when-you-can Bible study on Wednesday afternoons. 

    The Sermon Safari drop-in Bible study returns April 10, in which we view and discuss a different sermon each week. Some of our previous sessions have featured sermons from Brian McLaren, Diana Butler Bass, and Barbara Brown Taylor

    For more information on the Wednesday gathering, or to receive the Zoom link, contact Dr. Meg Baker at 

The Upper Room

St. Paul's continues to receive our usual shipment of paper copies of The Upper Room daily devotional guide. 

If you would like The Upper Room mailed to your home address, or know someone who would, please contact Erin Steele at and provide the name, mailing address, and whether you prefer the pocket-size or large print version.

To receive a single copy without being added to the on-going mailing list, please phone Meg Baker at 301-933-7933 ext 104.

Helpful Bible Guides and resources

The American Bible Society provides many free Bible resources to help you engage in God’s Word and encounter the God of the Bible. 

Opportunities abound on their website,, where you can subscribe to the Daily Bible Reading and access topic-specific resources, such as Bible background and context, practical applications for daily life, and short studies on each book of the Bible. Helpful tools are also available, such as “Getting the Most Out of Your Bible Reading,” which offers tips and prompts to deepen your reading experience. 

Allow the Scriptures to speak to you as you read the Bible each day. Engaging in regular “dialogue” with the biblical text reveals new understandings about God, and about yourself.

Click HERE to download the most recent Daily Bible Reading Guide. The two-page layout is designed to be printed and folded as an easy-to-carry pamphlet.

WE Gather Together: Virtual Small Groups

Now Forming!

In this time of isolation, we are working to organize opportunities for congregants to participate in “virtual” small group gatherings either by phone or online. Some of you may want to meet together just to be in community, others may wish to focus on prayer or Bible study, and still others may be interested in some sort of online adult study. We hope you will be a engage with our faith community in this way. To find out more, please contact Meg Baker at mbaker [at] or 301-933-7933 ext. 104.