We serve anyone living in the 20895 ZIP code.
Distribution: On the second Monday of each month, recipients pick up groceries and store gift cards at St. Paul's fellowship hall, or meet delivery drivers. We also offer pick-up at the church office, Tuesday-Thursday between 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM. Details for each distribution night are also explained in letters provided to each household.
To be added to the list of people we serve: Please email hunger@stpaulsk.org to get started, or walk-in on distribution night and fill out a simple form. New recipients living in the 20895 ZIP code area are welcome at any point in the year.
What we check: At sign-up time and once a year thereafter, we ask all recipients to show a piece of mail with their current address in the 20895 ZIP code, to verify their home is within our service area. That's it!
- There are NO income or work requirements.
- We do NOT ask about family or immigration status.
- We do NOT share our list with any other organizations or government agencies.
- You do NOT need a referral from another agency - simply contact us or walk in.
Defining our service area by ZIP code allows us to scale our program in a sustainable way. For additional food resources that serve surrounding communities, please scroll down the page.
Interested in volunteering? We need help each month sorting, bagging, taking inventory, greeting families, and making deliveries. We have a particular need for Spanish-speaking volunteers or those with other fluent second languages. SSL hours are available. Contact hunger@stpaulsk.org to get in touch with our Hunger Ministry volunteer coordinator Pat Maloney, and he will send you the volunteer sign-up information!