Online Donations

Thank you for Giving to St. Paul's

Click the link or scroll down the page to find:

  • Secure Online Giving. Regular, one-time, or recurring giving to established church budget areas including our General Fund. Read more here.
  • Additional Contribution Options: Donate to miscellaneous causes, special projects, or seasonal activities outside the "regular menu" of offerings. You'll enter the designation in the form, just like you would write on the memo line of a check.
  • The Pledge Form: Share how you can support St. Paul's with faithful giving in the coming year.
  • Designated UMC Special Sundays: More info about special offerings made in connection with UMC churches across the globe to support UMC programs like Student Sunday scholarship, Native American ministries, social justice programs, or other initiatives.
  • UMCOR Support: Give through this St. Paul's portal and 100% of your UMCOR donation goes to disaster relief and recovery, providing emergency relief when war or natural disaster decimates a community in the US or around the world.
  • Offering Envelopes: You can receive offering envelopes in the mail, or to ask us to stop sending them.

For questions, please contact Erin Bone Steele, Director of Communications & Administration:

UMCOR - Hurricane Relief

Hurricane Helene is the latest hurricane in the 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season to cause devastation and loss of life in the United States, with major effects felt from Florida through western North Carolina.

Donations made using this button will go to The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) - United States Disaster Response & Recovery fund (Advance #901670). Through local partners on the ground and its own trained early responders, UMCOR can move quickly to provide urgently needed aid, and can remain in a community for rebuilding work that goes well beyond the initial response. Because the UMC covers UMCOR's administrative costs, 100% of your relief donations go to relief efforts!

Click the button to donate by credit card through our secure payment processing partners.

UMCOR- US Hurricane Relief

To donate by check, please make checks payable to St. Paul's UMC with "UMCOR - hurricane" on the memo line. Please mail contributions to St. Paul's UMC, 10401 Armory Avenue, Kensington MD 20895 or leave checks in the offering plate on Sunday.

To donate to global relief efforts, please scroll down for the UMCOR "Area of Greatest Need" option.

Frequent Focus: UMCOR RElief

When war, natural disaster, or other crises damage a community beyond what they are able to sustain on their own, the United Methodist Committee on Relief is there. 

UMCOR provides immediate emergency aid through their network of partners in the US and over 80 countries worldwide. Unlike many other emergency responders, however, UMCOR also makes a commitment to long-term stabilization and rebuilding efforts.

Whether it's flooding in the US, wildfires in Australia, hurricanes in Puerto Rico, hunger in Africa, or war in Ukraine, UMCOR bring hope and resources to people in their hour of greatest need. Donations made here will be directed to UMCOR's "Where Most Needed" category (UMC Advance #999895), allowing UMCOR maximum flexibility to provide aid in emergencies today, and to respond rapidly to those that may happen tomorrow.

Because the UMC covers UMCOR's administrative costs, 100% of your relief donations go to relief efforts directly supporting communities in crisis around the globe.

UMCOR Donations

St. Paul's UMC

giving options

Please click the button to go to our secure credit-card processing site for regular giving options.

Regular Giving Options

You will be able to make a one-time or recurring donation to one of these funds:

  • General Fund - The core of St. Paul's budget, covering a myriad of needs for the life and work of the church, providing for worship, study and education, faith formation, justice & compassion projects, and the day-to-day utility bills, salaries, and supplies. These things make it possible to engage in vital ministries throughout the life of our church and beyond.
  • Building Improvement Fund - The Improvement Fund keeps our building comfortable and safe, covering such things as emergency repairs for broken heating or air conditioning systems, fixing leaky pipes, replacing worn or damaged carpet, and unexpected but essential building-related expenses. 
  • Technology Advancement Fund - These dedicated funds will allow the church to make significant investments in technology, software, and equipment to continue offering online worship and educational activities, and to keep our network and church data secure. Long-term goals include creating comprehensive, reliable, and secure wifi coverage throughout our building.
  • Hunger Ministry- Support our ongoing efforts to feed families in the 20895 ZIP code with this signature community service project! Every month, we provide hungry neighbors with shelf-stable pantry staples, a takeout meal, and grocery store cards that enable recipients to select the fresh produce, meat, and dairy that we can't stock, and to choose personal hygiene items with dignity. Visit our Hunger Ministry page for more information

If you need to adjust your online giving level or frequency to match your 2024 giving goals or pledges, please log in and make changes. Church pledge records are not connected to any banking or credit card systems, so updates are not automatic. If you need assistance, please contact Erin Steele, Administrator, at 301-933-7933 ext 100 or

One-Time and Special Donations

To make a one-time special donation, support a special fund, or donate to a ministry area not included above, please click this button for our easy one-time donation form. You will be able to tell us how to direct your contribution, just as you would make a note in the "memo" section of a check.

Miscellaneous One-Time Donations

These "regular fund" donations are processed securely through Vanco, a preferred banking partner of the UMC. One-time and special fund donations and purchases are processed securely by MinistryWorks/CloverGive. If you have questions, please contact the church office at 

UMC "Special Sundays" Offerings

UMC "Special Sundays" are designated by the global United Methodist Church and enable congregations throughout our whole denomination to celebrate, commemorate, and contribute connectionally to support important causes. By combining our Special Sunday offerings with those of other UMC congregations, the UMC is able to do more work, together, to support growth and change for all God's people.

For our Special Sunday offerings, half the funds collected on a Special Sunday stay within the Baltimore-Washington Conference and are administered by the conference's finance office to serve conference-level needs and initiatives. The other half go the the UMC's general conference board of finance for supporting UMC projects worldwide.

The United Methodist Church calendar includes recommended dates for celebrating each Special Sunday, while allowing individual congregations to celebrate Special Sundays and welcome offerings on any Sunday that is convenient and appropriate.  

Special Sundays and the month they are usually celebrated:

Human Relations Day (January)

UMCOR Sunday (March)

Native American Ministries (April)

Peace with Justice (May)

World Communion (October)

United Methodist Student Day (November)

Please scroll down for St. Paul's online giving options for the curent Special Sunday giving opportunity. We also provide Special Sunday offering envelopes on designated dates during worship.

UMM Special Sunday:

World Communion Sunday

Celebrated on October 6, 2024

World Communion Sunday is one of the Special Offerings designated by the global United Methodist Church. This connectional giving supports work throughout the UMC by allowing offerings from our church to combine with offerings from United Methodist congregations from around the globe. 

On World Communion Sunday your giving helps to support the division of chaplains and ministries, and the scholarship funds for international minority groups pursuing graduate-level education as part of their ministry call to serve God's world, all while celebrating the great thanksgiving and gift of communion.

Click the button below to go to our secure donation site, or send your donation by mail to St. Paul's UMC, Attn: Treasurer, 10401 Armory Ave., Kensington MD 20895. Checks should be made payable to St. Paul's UMC with "World Communion Sunday" in the memo line.

World Communion Sunday Offering

Grants and scholarships funded by World Communion Sunday make a difference around the world! Here are just a few stories the UMC shares about recipients whose faith and educational journeys were made possible through World Communion Sunday funding.

David Rangel, who grew up in a low-income neighborhood in Monterrey, Mexico, studied engineering but changed paths to attend seminary. With a World Communion scholarship, he went on to earn graduate degrees from Southern Methodist University (Perkins School of Theology). He developed targeted programs for Hispanic Latino ministry and founded the Spanish Language Leadership Institute.

Sarah Bless Sanchez-Maddela, whose scholarship is helping her to earn a doctorate in clinical psychology, grew up in the United Methodist Church in the Philippines. “I have seen the lack of mental health professionals in our province. ... When I was a youth leader, I saw the need for mental health ministry for young people because a lot of them are struggling with depression, anxiety, and trauma. I believe this is why God called me to this profession.”

Ayra Indrias Patras, in Lahore, Pakistan, completed a Master's degree in International relations, then worked with Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in the area of women and minority rights. With a World Communion scholarship, she pursued her Ph.D. in Gender Studies to further her work advocating for women's rights.

Obinneh T. Emeh grew up in the Methodist church in Nigeria and moved to the US to live with his aunt as a teenager. He was immediately embraced by her church, Grace United Methodist Church (Arlington, Texas). Emeh received an Ethnic Minority Scholarship, made possible through the World Communion Sunday offering. In 2017, he was majoring in engineering at Lamar University (Beaumont TX) and serving as a mentor for elementary and middle school students as part of the National Society of Black Engineers.

Carileigh Jones is the granddaughter of a minister hailing from her hometown of Salisbury, Maryland. In 2016, her World Communion scholarship helped her attend Hampton University and train for law school. Her career goal is first, to become a victim's advocate, and second, to practice family law. She explained, "A huge part of the United Methodist [philosophy] includes giving back to the community... [and] helping people who may be less fortunate."


Pledging Support for 2025

Your faithful giving makes it possible for St. Paul's UMC to do everything we do, and your pledge makes it possible for the church to plan a financially sustainable year engaged in worship, ministry, and work in the community. Thank you for your commitment to the work and ministry of St. Paul's.

As we embark on our 2025 stewardship campaign, we invite you to join in a season of intentional prayer. For the next 40 days, we will focus each day on a specific area that makes St. Paul’s a place of growth, faith, and service. Through daily prayer as a church community, we not only seek God’s blessings, but we also strengthen our spiritual connection with the mission of our church. Let us ask God for guidance, wisdom, and the continued blessing of our shared journey. Together, through prayer and commitment, we are truly blessing our future. "Forty Days of Prayer" cards are available in the Narthex or by clicking the button to download the file as a *pdf.

40 Days of Prayer

To make a pledge for 2025, click the button below to go to our secure online pledge form. 

Pledge for 2025

The online pledge form shows all of the St. Paul's funds that currently accept pledges: General Fund, Improvement Fund, Hunger Ministry, and Technology Advancement Fund. Please fill in only those that apply to your designated giving plans. If you prefer to use a paper form, these are available in the Narthex and church office.

For pledge questions or to make changes to your pledge amounts, please contact Erin Steele, Director of Communications & Administration, at

We will celebrate pledges this year on Stewardship Sunday, November 15, but we gratefully receive pledges year-round!

If you are unable to pledge, we thank you for supporting St. Paul’s whenever and however you are able.

Additional Options: 

Miscelleaneous Contributions

There are many reasons you might want to make a contribution to St. Paul's beyond those offerings that appear above in the "regular menu" of giving or scheduled designated Special Sundays offerings. 

This is where you might make a contribution to Memorials, the Music Fund, school supplies drive, Educational Award Scholarships, flowers, or another cause. Click the button here to go to our secure form for Miscellaneous Contributions, and let us know the fund or cause to which we may direct your contribution.

Make Your Contribution Here

If you prefer, donations and offerings by check are always welcome and should be mailed to St. Paul's UMC, Attn: Treasurer, 10401 Armory Ave., Kensington MD 20895, or dropped off at the office. Please make all checks payable to St. Paul's UMC and be sure to note the cause or fund in the Memo line.

All "special funds" donations or online sales are processed through the secure credit-card processor CloverGive/MinistryOne. For questions, please contact Erin Steele, Director of Communications & Administration.

Offering Envelopes Available

Members and friends of St. Paul's who give their general offering to St. Paul's using check or cash may choose to receive customized paper offering envelopes. These come from a printing service and arrive at donors' homes, ready to use and pre-printed with the donors' name, address, envelope number, and Sunday dates (although you can use them any time).

If you would normally place checks or cash in the offering plate and now wish to mail it to St. Paul's, these customized paper envelopes might be useful to you. Email Erin Steele ( and she will add you to the list.

Alternatively, if you receive envelopes but shifted to online giving and no longer need printed envelopes, please let us know. This can help keep clutter out of your mailbox and save the church a little money on printing and postage costs. Please email Erin ( with your request.

One last note:  Thank you for your patience! Due to the printers' timetable, there may be a two-month (or more) delay between your request and a change in your paper envelope status.