We are all about building community, enjoying fellowship, and reaching beyond our walls to serve God's wider world.
Please SCROLL DOWN to read about church events and activities,
generally listed in chronological order.
Upcoming Activities & CHURCH NEWS
We are all about building community, enjoying fellowship, and reaching beyond our walls to serve God's wider world.
Please SCROLL DOWN to read about church events and activities,
generally listed in chronological order.
St. PAul's Hours
Drop-in and Phone Hours (Sept-May): Monday-Thursday, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM. Access to the building and meeting times are available outside these hours by appointment! Individual clergy and staff schedules vary. Find email and phone contact information on our Meet the Staff page: https://stpaulsk.org/community/meet-the-staff
Worship Sept.-May on Sundays at 9:00 AM and 10:30 AM. Read more on our Worship page.
We follow Montgomery County Public Schools for inclement weather delays, early dismissals, or closures. Click here to read more about weather-related schedule changes.
Spring Forward!
Daylight saving time begins March 9. Before you go to bed Saturday, set your clocks forward an hour - unless you plan to be awake at 2:00 in the morning on March 9 when the time change becomes official!
Bibles and Brews
We look forward to gathering for interfaith conversations with Pastor Joey, Rabbi Adam, and friends from Temple Emanuel in the new year.
Here is the schedule for 2025 (subject to change):
Meeting on the Fourth Sunday of the month
5:00-6:00 PM
All our meetings are family friendly! These neighborhood restaurants and local small businesses offer food and beverages (including soft drinks and alcoholic drinks) that you can purchase as you like.
January 26 - Knowles Station - Wine & Co.
February 23 - Knowles Station - Wine & Co.
March 30 - Knowles Station - Wine & Co.
April 27 - BabyCat Brewery
May 25 - BabyCat Brewery
Contact Pastor Joey - joeyhm@stpaulsk.org - with questions or for more information!
SAM Church Leadership Meetings
SAM church leadership (formerly known as Church Council) meet once a month, generally by Zoom. Church leaders serve in the SAM - Simplified Accountability Model - include those leading in Ministry and Strategy, Accountability, and Leadership areas.
Contact chairperson Rachel Stalcup for the meeting schedule or, when appropriate, the Zoom link. If you need Rachel's contact information, please check in the Weekly News message, or email the church office at stpaulsunited@stpaulsk.org
Star Words
Inspired by the magi who were guided by a star,
on Epiphany Sunday “Star Words" were made available to all. Each word offers a unique way to reflect on how we
might move into the new year with the intention of growing in faith and community.
Please pick up a star in the Sanctuary or visit the office during the week, or
email stpaulsunited@stpaulsk.org to request one by mail.
Yarn Ministry
Bring your knitting, crochet, or other project to St. Paul's and craft alongside friends in fellowship. The Yarn Ministry group meets once or twice a month during the programming year, usually in-person in the Library at St. Paul's. If the weather is poor, Yarn Ministry may switch to Zoom. To receive Yarn Ministry updates, please contact Karen Codner directly or email the church office (stpaulsunited@stpaulsk.org) for Karen's contact information.
Meeting Schedule for 2025:
7:00-8:30 PM on Mondays
Jan 13 and 27
Feb 10 and 24
March 10 and 24
April 14 and 28
May 12
Summer break May 26 (Memorial Day) through August
Sept 8 and 22
Oct 6 and 20
Nov 10 and 24
Dec 8 and 22
CRAFT FAIR! - St. Paul’s own Yarn Ministry sponsors the Craft Fair each fall. This year, the full craft fair operated out of the Narthex in November with a bonus pop-up selection at the December Pancake Breakfast. All items are donated by members and friends of St. Paul's and all proceeds are donated to global and local charities selected by the Yarn Ministry.
Lydia Circle Meetings
The Lydia Circle sisters will typically be meeting the first Wednesday of each month at 2:30 PM, September-May in the Octagon at St. Paul's. In June and December, Lydia Circle Sisters enjoy a special trip or luncheon. Any woman who would like to join us can email Susan Schwarz (contact the office at stpaulsunited@stpaulsk.org if you need Susan's personal email address) or call 301-339-8242 for details. Plans could change month to month, so be sure to get on the Lydia Circle list for updates.
Name Tags By Request
We have restocked our supplies for making new name tags!
If you would like a new name tag, or a replacement for one that's been lost, please find the Name Tag request sheet at the Welcome Desk on Sundays or in the office during the week. Simply write your name as you want it to appear on your nametag, and select Magnet or Clip for the backing. (If you have a pacemaker or other heart condition, please choose the clip back.)
Still WEdnesday Gatherings
During the programming year (Sept.-June), Still Wednesday meets on Wednesday nights, 7:00-8:00 pm to create a sacred space full of quiet, peace, and opportunities for reflection. In the summer months of July and August, we meet once a month for silent prayer and reflection in the peaceful space of our Sanctuary. All are welcome. For more information, visit the Still Wednesday page.
Receiving New Members
If you would like to discuss joining St. Paul's UMC and have not already contacted the pastors, please contact Pastor Sheridan (sallmond@stpaulsk.org) or Pastor Joey directly (joeyhm@stpaulsk.org) to begin a conversation about membership.
Lay Readers in Worship
We are welcoming new Lay Readers who would like to assist with worship by reading the Scripture and leading the opening prayers. Guidance is provided! Please contact Erin Steele in the church office at stpaulsunited@stpaulsk.org to volunteer as a lay reader for either the 9:00 or 10:30 worship service.
Sunday School
Please see our Children's Page for current information about Sunday School and other children's programming! If you have additional questions, please contact Meg Baker, mbaker@stpaulsk.org or 301-933-7933 ext 104.
The TNT group (Teens ’n Twenties) from the 1970s has decided to postpone the 50-year reunion. It was originally scheduled for August 17. The new date has not yet been determined, but will likely be in May 2025. Additional information will be shared by organizers Clark Cochran and Don Luckett.
In the early 1970’s during what was referred to as “The Jesus Movement” (when Jesus was on the cover of Time Magazine and the musicals Jesus Christ Superstar and Godspell came out), St. Paul’s had a very large and vibrant youth group. Senior High and youth in their early 20’s were combined and nicknamed TnT (Teens ‘n Twenties). The group grew to around 60 members. Mrs. Mabel Baker (still an attending member of St. Paul’s) was our main "TnT Mom" back then.
If you would like to attend, please contact Clark Cochran or Don Luckett. Their email addresses are available by contacting the church office at stpaulsunited@stpaulsk.org. They were teenagers on the TNT planning committee back in the 70’s and are now on the TnT alumni planning committee. TnT alumni have their own Facebook group with around 38 alumni. In 2004, TNT alumni had a 30 year reunion at St. Paul’s - some of the members are in the photo posted here. We expect around 20 alumni to make the reunion!
You can join a time of prayer by phone on Wednesday mornings at 10:00 a.m. as we lift the prayers of the people over the airwaves. Visit our Prayer Requests page to learn how.
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Feeding hungry neighbors
Our Hunger Ministry serves recipients who live in the 20895 ZIP code.
To help stock the pantry, visit https://stpaulsk.org/service/hunger-ministry for the list of needed items. Monetary donations to support the Hunger Ministry are always welcome and may be mailed to the church office, placed in the offering plate, or can be made securely online. If donating by check, please make it payable to St. Paul's with "Hunger Ministry" in the memo line.
Please read more at our Hunger Ministry page!
St. Paul's generous donors provide nonperishable food, sort and pack supplies, and provide drop-off for households with special circumstances. Families facing food insecurity are welcomed to the Fellowship Hall on the second Monday of the month to receive grocery items and a meal to-go provided by our partners at Campus Kitchens.
Ongoing activities and news
These activities and events may not meet regularly, but they are available to enhance the lives of St. Paul's friends and the communities where we live and serve. Please scroll down to read all of the opportunities here.
Keep seeing our emails!
We want you to keep getting our newsletter messages and urgent email alerts! Many of the most popular free email programs including gmail and yahoo are starting to improve their user experience by shuttling all newsletters into a "socials" or "promotional" tab, instead of showing newsletters or list-serve messages in the primary in-box view. If you aren't seeing our newsletter, please check for new email tabs, save our address in your email address book, and occasionally peek into the horrors of your Spam folder... Thank you for staying in touch with St. Paul's!
Keeping one another safe
Flu cases are on the rise in our region! We encourage everyone to take care of themselves and others. If you’re feeling unwell, remember you can join us for worship online at stpaulsk.org/worship/worship-at-home! For those attending in person, masks and hand sanitizer are available as additional ways to protect yourself and others. Let’s continue to care for one another with love and wisdom, making choices that promote health and well-being in our congregation. Thank you for being a community that looks out for one another!
Flower Sponsors
The flowers that grace our Sanctuary each Sunday are sponsored by members and friends of St. Paul’s. The flower chart is available in the main office on the bulletin board. You may select open dates and make dedications in memory, honor, or celebration. You may also contact Erin Steele in the office at stpaulsunited@stpaulsk.org to inquire about sponsoring flowers. The cost is $45. Following 10:30 AM worship, you may take home your flower arrangement.
scam alert!
Multiple churches throughout the UMC and the Baltimore-Washington region have had reports of scammers, posing as churches or church leaders, attempting to scam members of the church community by requesting money or gift cards. Often, scammers will create fake email accounts, copying the name of a pastor or using the name of the church (which is public information). Some scammers will send text messages, social media posts, or phone calls.
If you receive a request for money, gifts, or gift cards that appears to come from a member of the staff, please disregard it.
Please know that ALL our online and e-giving options can all be found through our website: stpaulsk.org/giving, and we will not ask you to use another donation method or send donations to an individual.
Donations for ANY church-related fund or activity, including staff appreciation or the Hunger Ministry, should only be mailed to the church's physical address (10401 Armory Avenue, Kensington MD 20895), hand delivered in person, or made online through stpaulsk.org.
If you have questions, contact Erin Steele at the church office to double check (stpaulsunited@stpaulsk.org).
Sipping Ministry (AKA "Coffee Hour")
St. Paul's Sipping Ministry (formerly known as “coffee hour”) is offered whenever groups from the church feel able to sponsor and host a fellowship time after worship! Any group - or family or group of friends! - can sponsor and host the Sipping Ministry and serve drinks and snacks of their choice after worship in the Octagon or Narthex.
You might serve the ever-popular coffee and cookies... or it might be lemonade and cheese crackers, tea and crumpets, cider and donuts, cocoa and candy canes... you decide!
Hosts: Please click here to download the Sipping Ministry Instructions, or pick up a paper copy in the office when you sign up to adopt a Sunday.
To reserve your Sunday, add your name or group to the chart on the office bulletin board, or email stpaulsunited@stpaulsk.org before 12:00 on Wednesday and Erin can write your name on the chart for you.
Now is the perfect time to update the church office with your current email, phone, or mailing address. You can also send in a family photo. Some of our pictures are clearly outdated! If you are a regular visitor or friend, but not a member, please confirm with the church office if you wish to appear in the directory – we would love to include you. Send updates to Erin Steele at stpaulsunited@stpaulsk.org or 301-933-7933 ext 100.
Copies of the previous Winter 2024 church directory are still available for pick-up. Visit the Epistle stand by the Narthex exterior doors or the wall rack by the main office door. Please take one. If you know someone who would appreciate a copy but may be unable to pick up in-person, please email Erin Steele in the office at stpaulsunited@stpaulsk.org to request a copy by mail.
UMM Driver Service
The United Methodist Men's group now offers a driver service to take adult St. Paul’s members to medical-related appointments in and around Montgomery County at no charge. A list of volunteer drivers is posted in the church office. You can also request a copy of the list from the office by emailing Erin Steele at stpaulsunited@stpaulsk.org. Please keep in mind you may have to make more than one call to find a driver who is available for the specific day and time you need a ride. Contact Rich Higgins directly or reach out the the church office (stpaulsunited@stpaulsk.org) for contact info.
Card MinIstry & Congregational Care List
When someone experiences illness, grief, or a joyous life change and wants to share that news, we include them on the Congregational Care list. On typical Sundays, anyone can stop by the Welcome Desk to pick up a pre-addressed, pre-stamped card! You can write a personal note or simply sign the card and drop it in the mail. We know the card recipients are truly thankful for the notes that come their way.
Want to send your own card later, or to spend some time in prayer for our members and friends? The congregational care list if good for that, too. You can find a fresh copy of the full Congregational Care list at the Welcome Desk each week.
Please note, the congregational care list is a list of members, but is not necessarily all-inclusive or a full list of all of our members' individual circumstances or needs. We only add names to the list when we are given permission by the person or immediate family. In some situations, the Prayer List may be a more appropriate place to share requests for prayer in a time of need. To add yourself or a loved one to one of these lists, please contact Meg Baker, Minister of Spiritual Care and Formation, at mbaker@stpaulsk.org.
List Item
Type the content for this list item here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this list item. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section.
Our History Book
If our Heritage Sunday celebration each April sparks your interest, you can purchase a copy of The Spirit of Methodism in Kensington, 1885-2007 for $5.00. Contact the church office. The St. Paul's history book is an award-winning trove of information about our church from its founding to recent years, and is full of historical photos and interesting stories recounting everything from musical performances at the White House to cream pies being thrown at a former pastor.
Weather POLicy
St. Paul's building and all St. Paul's activities (except for Worship) follow the Montgomery County Public Schools announcements for weather-related delays, closures, and cancellations.
When Montgomery County Public Schools are on a "2-hour delay" day, the church office opens at 11:30 a.m. and any activities meant to begin before 11:30 a.m. will be canceled or rescheduled. When Montgomery County Public Schools are closed or weekend activities are canceled due to weather events, St. Paul's is also closed and activities will be canceled or rescheduled.
The exception to this is Sunday worship: if Montgomery County Schools closes or cancels events on a Sunday, the pastors will assess whether it is safe to travel and make a decision about worship services by 7:00 a.m.
We update this web page with information regularly but you may also refer to http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/ or contact the leader of a specific activity for more information.
Your safety is the first priority – please use your own best judgment before venturing out in any inclement weather conditions.