Weekly News: 

ANnouncements & Events

Want to view the most recent news? 

Click HERE to read the Weekly News

No email or sign-up required!

Click here to SIGN UP for our weekly newsletter by email 

and get St. Paul's weekly news in your email in-box!

The Weekly News message comes out each Thursday night and includes a message from the pastor, announcements about upcoming activities, projects, and events, and the upcoming Sunday's scripture. It's a great way to keep on top of the numerous opportunities for fellowship, growth, and service at St. Paul's. If you receive the Weekly News by email, you will also receive alerts about weather-related changes to our hours of operation, or other time-sensitive notifications.

Submit an Announcement: Weekly News

To submit an announcement or news item to appear in the Weekly News email and worship bulletin, click the button below and use the Weekly News form. 

These announcements should be approximately 65 words. Announcements must include a contact person and date, time, and location for all events.

Weekly News Announcements Form

Submission Deadline: 12:00 noon on Wednesday, to appear in Thursday's email and Sunday's bulletin. 

Please note: This form is for weekly announcements only. If you want your news to appear in the Epistle as well, please scroll down to click and fill out the Epistle announcement form separately.

The Epistle Newsletter

Our large-format newsletter, The Epistle from St. Paul's, provides details about many organizations and events. We have returned to the monthly publication schedule! Thank you for your patience while we experimented with different formats and timelines. 

Click the button below to download and read the full-color *pdf version of the Epistle. Black-and-white paper copies are available for pick-up in the Narthex or church office. Contact the church office if you would like to receive a printed copy sent to your home through traditional postal mail.

The Epistle - OCTOBER 2024

For older archive editions of The Epistle, please contact the church office.

The Epistle - September 2024

The Epistle - August 2024

The Epistle - July 2024

The Epistle - June 2024

The Epistle - May 2024

The Epistle - April 2024

The Epistle - March 2024

The Epistle - February 2024

The Epistle - January 2024

The Epistle - December 2023

The Epistle - November 2023

To have your news included in the Epistle, all items must be submitted by the 15th of each month. Please see the section below for more details!

Submit an announcement: the EPistle

To submit an article, event, or announcement for the monthly Epistle newsletter, click the button below and use the Epistle Submission form.

Epistle submissions should be 250 words or less. Each announcement must include a contact person, and time, date, and location as appropriate for events. Photos are welcome and should be sent by email after the form is submitted.

Please note: This form is for Epistle content ONLY. To have an announcement also appear in the Weekly News & Sunday worship bulletin, scroll up and use the Weekly News submission form.

Epistle Submission Form

Epistle Publication Schedule for the rest of 2024

  • Submission due date: April 15 to be published May 1, 2024
  • Submission due date: May 15 to be published June 1, 2024
  • Submission due date: June 15 to be published July 1, 2024
  • Submission due date: July 15 to be published August 1, 2024
  • Submission due date: August 15 to be published September 1, 2024
  • Submission due date: September 15 to be published October 1, 2024
  • Submission due date: October 15 to be published November 1, 2024
  • Submission due date: November 15 to be published December 1, 2024
  • Submission due date: December 15 to be published January 1, 2025

Share Your Announcements

If you have an upcoming St. Paul’s-related event and want to let church members and friends know about it, you can create an announcement! 

The forms available above will allow you to submit Weekly News announcements and content for the Epistle, our monthly newsletter. Each form will guide you through the required information.

Here is what to expect as you craft your announcements and get ready to share your news with the St. Paul's community.

Rules for Announcements:

  • Contact Person: The person submitting the announcement will be assumed to be the contact person, and email/phone info will be listed, unless other information is provided. (The church office email/phone cannot be used as the point of contact.)
  • Event Info: All events must have a date, location, and start AND end time.
  • Facilities: For events at St. Paul's, confirm room availability and set-up needs with the facilities manager, Tracey Furman (tfurman@stpaulsk.org), before making any announcements.
  • Deadlines: For Weekly News emails and Sunday bulletin: Wednesday at 12:00 noon is the submission deadline for all announcements. Epistle content must be submitted by the 15th of the month prior to publication. 
  • Length and Content: Weekly News announcements should be about 65 words and will appear in the weekly email, the worship bulletin, and on the stpaulsk.org website. Worship bulletins may contain an announcements list with the event date and contact name only. Epistle articles should be 250 words or less. Describe your event, provide instructions for participants, create a record of past activities, or encourage folks to come out for something new! The Epistle has a special section for "thank you" notes and announcements about weddings, births, and deaths of members or their immediate family. Longer articles may be submitted under special circumstances, and can be added to the stpaulsk.org website. All items will be edited for length, style, clarity, or layout. Both Epistle and Weekly News content will be posted at stpaulsk.org whenever feasible.
  • Photos, Graphics, or Supporting Documents: When possible, include the text for your submission through the form. Email supporting materials such as photos, graphics, or documents to Erin Steele in the office AFTER you submit the form. Email stpaulsunited@stpaulsk.org (after you've submitted the form!). The subject line MUST include the word "Epistle." Fewer emails is better so include as many attachments on one message as you can. Please send only images you've taken or your own original artwork, or images you certify are public domain or available under a creative commons license. We cannot take images from other websites or accept graphics or stock images unless we clearly have the rights to publish them. Staff designers have access to an extensive graphic and photo collection licensed through canva.com.
  • Priority: We give priority to events occurring within 2-4 weeks of publication. Ongoing events and future events will be included as space and time allow.
  • Save-the-Date or Preview Items: If you are still working out event details but a publication deadline is approaching, you can share the main idea and contact person info, with other details listed as "TBA." It's fine to get people excited about something early! You will need to follow-up and provide correct, updated information as soon as the details get settled so our Weekly News and website announcements are as accurate as possible.
  • Submit: You're ready to share your announcement! Yay! Please use the forms above. If you have questions or have already finished the form and are ready to submit image files or attachments, contact Erin Steele in the church office at stpaulsunited@stpaulsk.org.

Other Things to Note: If you wish for an item or event to appear, you need to provide the content! There are no "automatic" announcements generated by the office staff for any of our publications. To meet layout requirements, we may choose to re-run content for ongoing activities, but please do not rely on this. There is so much going on, office staff simply cannot generate accurate announcements for all the recurring events across St. Paul's. To discuss exceptions to any of the policies above, please contact Erin Steele in the church office. Epistles and bulletins are publicly available and posted online, therefore we print email and/or phone contact information but do not list home addresses. For photos, we may identify adults by name but, with a few exceptions, we do not identify children or youth in photos by name.

Photos and Media

We want to show the world what the people of St. Paul's are doing, and we encourage our members to share our news and spread the Word as well. 

Our bulletins and the Epistle newsletter are available to the public, from visitors who walk through our doors to those visiting us through stpaulsk.org, and we use photos of St. Paul's facilities, activities, and people on our bulletin boards and on our website. We also have a presence on Facebook and Instagram. 

We have an "opt out" policy -- if you prefer your likeness not to appear in any of these places, please contact the church office. 

And of course, St. Paul's has no requirement that members participate in any online activity, nor control over what individual members choose to share on their personal social media platforms. 

Thanks for staying connected with St. Paul's, in so many different ways!