children's ministry

At St. Paul's, we love children. And there are so many of them here! We strive to find ways to make the church experience welcoming and meaningful for all of God's children. Our children's programming is generally geared for students age 2 to grade 5.

Please scroll down to find more information on Sunday School, special activities, and seasonal events. 

Questions? Contact our Minister of Spiritual Care & Formation, Dr. Meg Baker, at or 301-933-7933 ext. 104.

Sunday School & Nursery News

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Children in grades K-5 will be in Sunday School during the 10:30 worship hour this week.

During Sunday School time, we have Bible lessons, plus learning through drama, crafts, and service projects throughout the year.  On a typical Sunday School day:

Grades K-2 meet in Room 200

Grades 3-5 meet in the Parlor.

For preschoolers and younger children, the Nursery is available at 10:30 for imaginative playtime and loving care from our professional nursery workers.

Sunday School Registration is open! Scroll down for the link! Walk-ins also welcome. To keep everyone safe and healthy, new families will be asked to fill out a form with emergency contact and allergy info. Forms can be filled out in the registration process online or on paper at the classroom.

For more information or to receive Sunday School emails, please contact Meg Baker at or 301-933-7933 ext. 104.

 Read more about Children's Choir on the Music page, or contact Children's Choir Director Christina Griffin.

Vacation BIble School

In partnership with Bethesda UMC

St. Paul’s is partnering with Bethesda UMC in offering the VBS experience this summer!

June 23-27, 2025

9:00am — 12:00pm

For children age 4 (and potty-trained) to rising-5th-grade.

Bethesda United Methodist Church

8300 Old Georgetown Road

Bethesda, MD 21704

Children will enjoy an interactive, energizing, Bible-based good time. This new Vacation Bible School program published by Cokesbury is all about discovering the joy and wonder of faith in our everyday journey.

To register as a camper or a volunteer, use Bethesda UMC's "VBS Pro" portal" at:

Please contact St. Paul's Minister of Spiritual Care & Formation, and director of our Christian Education programming, Dr. Meg Baker ( for questions about this VBS partnership. Meg is also available for a confidential conversation about camperships that make it possible for families to participate in VBS without financial worries.

Sunday School & Nursery

Registration for 2024

Welcome to Sunday School! 

Most Sundays Sept.-May, during the 10:30 AM worship hour.

In-person classes for children Grade 5 and younger.

Walk-in registration available at any time.

New Sunday School Year starts September 15, 2024

Regular Sunday School programming will begin on September 15 and will include a time of worship in the Chapel, followed by classes grouped by age. In addition to Bible-based lessons, the Sunday School hour will occasionally include experiential learning through drama, crafts, and service projects. We are looking forward to learning and growing and playing together as disciples of Christ!

Please take a moment to register your child(ren) for Sunday School by clicking the button here:


Registrations will continue to be accepted on a rolling basis. Walk-in registrations and children who are not pre-registered should be accompanied by an adult on Sunday and will be warmly welcomed.

More detailed information is available in the sections below! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Meg Baker at or 301-933-7933 ext 104.

It Takes a Village

The 2024-2025 Sunday School year begins soon, and we are seeking teachers and volunteers to help ensure a vibrant church school experience for all. Each teacher typically leads class once or twice a month during the 10:30 service. Those who have a child of Sunday School age are especially encouraged to consider serving in this way. 

Please note that St. Paul’s policy requires all who work with children, youth, or vulnerable populations to complete online Safe Gatherings training and undergo a background check. 

Contact Meg Baker at for more information. Thank you!

Sunday School & Nursery - 

More Details

Children's Sunday School:  Most Sundays from September to May, all children age 2 through Grade 5 will start Sunday School at 10:30 AM. Meg Baker, Director of Christian Education, oversees our rotating teams of caring, enthusiastic teachers. 

Worshiping Together: There are Sundays when everyone worships together: special holidays, outdoor worship, or "Fifth Sunday, One Community" services. This way, children learn and absorb the rhythm of the full worship experience and worshipers of all ages can lean into the baptismal vows we make to support our youngest members of the church to grow in their faith. "Busy bags" full of quiet activities are available at the Welcome Desk for children to enjoy while they are in the Sanctuary. Caregivers with restless young ones may make use the Library (down the hall by the restrooms) or the Octagon room (across the Narthex from the Sanctuary doors) to take a break.

Children's Chapel: The DuVall Chapel offers us a brief Chapel worship experience with prayer, music, and short message.

Children's Sundays:  About once a month on Children's Sunday, all children begin in the Sanctuary at 10:30 a.m. with their families and participate in the Children's Message before moving to their Sunday School classes with their teachers. The Children's Choir may presents an anthem at this service.

Sunday Morning Youth: All youth will be in worship in the Sanctuary during the 10:30 worship hour, and are encouraged to volunteer as Lay Readers, sing with the Sanctuary choir, assist the A/V team, welcome and greet people, or offer to help in some other capacity.

Just visiting or joining a class? Drop-in visitors are always welcome, and children can join a class at any point during the year. There is no need to register ahead of time. If you're new, simply stop at the Visitor's Desk by the main front door and they can point you to the right classroom. To help keep everyone safe and happy, our classroom teachers will ask new visitors to write down children's names, parent/guardian emergency contact numbers, and allergy info.

For the littlest ones: Nursery care is available for pre-K and children age 2 and under during the 10:30 worship service year-round. Our professional nursery workers love babies and love to care for them. The nursery is located in Room 202.

In the summer: June, July, and August feature a “One Room” (or two-room) Sunday School class for children age 2 through 5th grade. Our popular "Kids with Compassion" series includes hands-on community service projects such as making sandwiches for Interfaith Works, packing Smart Sacks for school lunches, creating fleece blankets for Project Linus, and similar activities.

Finding your classroom: For Nursery through Grade 5, take the elevator or use the stairs near the Library to reach the second floor. Signs on each door (and helpful teachers and parents) can help you locate the specific room for your young student. You'll notice that we also share our classroom space with Brookewood School, an independent girls' school in residence here during the weekdays.

Week-Day Summer Fun

Under normal circumstances, St. Paul's offers a variety of short-term summer opportunities for faith-filled fun and fellowship!

VBS: Traditionally, St. Paul's hosts a popular Vacation Bible School program each summer for campers age 2 through rising-grade-5. For 2023, we have partnered with friends at Bethesda UMC to enjoy "Hero Hotline" VBS camp at their facility on Old Georgetown Road.

Musical Theatre Camp: After two years away due to covid, we are pleased to announce that Musical Theatre Camp will be back in operation in 2022! Please CLICK HERE to visit the Musical Theatre Camp webpage with the application and more information. Campers audition, memorize roles, learn choreography, fix up props, enjoy snacks and fun activities, and perform for an audience in our Sanctuary. Camp usually takes place the second or third week of July. Campers must be available for all dates - sorry, we cannot accept cast members who are unable to commit to the Sunday presentations. For more information about Musical Theatre Camp, campers (and parents) should contact camp director Robin Mayhew directly. Camp registration is limited to the first 24 campers and spots fill up fast!

For information about our "campership/scholarship" financial aid to help cover all or part of St. Paul's activities, please contact one of the pastors for a confidential consultation - see Meet the Staff for our contact info!

Staying Connected!

Sunday School Email List: 

If you aren't getting special Sunday School emails and would like to, please let us know! This is the best way to stay on top of the Sunday School schedule and receive supplementary educational materials like handouts and activity flyers. Contact Meg at or phone 301-933-7933 ext 104.

Weekly News:

Children's Programming highlights appear alongside other announcements of churchwide activities, plus the Pastor's message and the week's Scripture passage. Go to to read right on your screen, or sign up to receive it in your in-box each week.

Kids’ Connection: 

These short videos were filmed during the early covid lock-down period, and feature friends of St. Paul's sharing a variety of talents and projects. They might be telling stories, teaching songs, demonstrating crafts, or even leading kid-friendly yoga! Scroll down to see the Kids’ Connection videos, then just click and enjoy!

Photo below: Bible Story Time from 2019.

Kids' Connection!

Check out our current Kids' Connection Videos!


Children's Sundays

About once a month, we designate a 10:30 a.m. Worship service "Children's Sunday." Our children share songs and music with the congregation. Older children help lead worship as lay readers. The children are invited to participate in the "Young People's Message," after which they are welcome to transition to their Sunday School classes for the rest of the worship hour.

Past Activities

We offer many special events designed for young ones (and their families). Some past activities include:

  • Christmas Pageant: Kids in grade 5 and younger spend weeks preparing a musical retelling of the Christmas story each year.
  • Advent Craft Fair: On the first Saturday of December, the Multi-Purpose Room transformed into a craft room with Christmas themed craft projects for the young and the young at heart.
  • Trunk or Treat: On Sunday, October 28, 2018, St. Paul’s held our first-ever Trunk-or-Treat in the church parking lot. Thanks to all the families who came to "trick or treat" in our parking lot, and to all the families and groups who set up their trunks, decorated, donated candy, and sold hot dogs to benefit the Hunger Ministry.
  • Easter Egg Hunt: On the day before Easter Sunday, families gathered in the Fellowship Hall to hear the Easter story, enjoy a light breakfast, and hunt for colorful eggs in the grass outside.
  • Flat Paul & Flat John Wesley: Like the school-kid project Flat Stanely, our own Flat Paul traveled with families far and wide in 2018, from Seattle to Carlsbad Caverns, to the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Atlantic Ocean. Flat Paul even went overseas to Johannesburg, South Africa and Prague, Czech Republic! Flat John Wesley traveled far and wide in 2019! Photos of these adventures helped us feel connected all summer long, no matter where our families roamed.

Sharing our building: Brookewood School

Brookewood School is an independent Catholic school for girls, kindergarten through 12th grade. They are our tenants in residence, using the classroom, library, and fellowship hall areas of St. Paul's building weekdays during the school year. For information about Brookewood, please visit their website: