SPY Spaghetti Lunch

Support the St. Paul's Youth - and have one less set of dishes to wash! - by coming to the Spaghetti Lunch fundraiser. All funds raised support SPY activities.

Spaghetti Lunch

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Serving hours 11:45 AM - 1:45 PM

Fellowship Hall at St. Paul's UMC

Tickets are $10 per person

The menu includes spaghetti with marinara sauce, meatballs, garlic bread, salad, and cookies/brownies for dessert, with ice water, coffee, and cocoa beverages.

Click the button to get your tickets online using a credit card.

Spaghetti Lunch tickets

We strongly encourage purchasing tickets in advance! 

Walk-ups will be welcomed as we have space and supplies available.

We are all about youth

St. Paul’s has traditionally had a large and varied program of youth ministries overseen by staff and volunteers. If you are willing to be part of our youth group leadership team or have specific ideas for youth engagement, email Pastor Sheridan (sallmond@stpaulsk.org) or Pastor Joey (joeyhm@stpaulsk.org).

SCROLL DOWN to find upcoming events, registration forms, and youth news!

Registration Forms

We are saving paper and making it easier to send in info anywhere, anytime. 

Please click to button to go to our secure registration form!

SPY Registration

Learn to Be an Acolyte

Calling all youth in grades 6-12! We are planning to grow a team of youth to serve as acolytes and/or crucifers for the 10:30 AM worship services. A training session will be scheduled within the next several weeks. Of course, youth are also encouraged to participate in worship as ushers or lay readers as well. Please contact Dr. Meg Baker at mbaker@stpaulsk.org or 301-933-7933 ext. 104 if you are interested in learning more!

SPY Meeting:

Middle School & HIgh School


7:00-8:30 PM

Multi-Purpose Room & Youth Lounge

St. Paul's Youth has been reinvigorated for the 2024-2025 year! On most weeks, Middle School group (grades 6-8) will be led by our parent volunteers in the Multi-Purpose Room and the High School group (grades 9-12) will be led by Pastor Sheridan in the Youth Lounge. Each night will include an activity designed to help us grow in faith and time for fun, fellowship, or service. 

Here are our upcoming meeting dates - but please note all activities are subject to change...!

  • March 2 - Regular meeting
  • March 9 - NO SPY at St. Paul's - BWC's IGNITE Youth Conference in Ocean City MD
  • March 16 - Pastor night
  • March 23 - NO SPY - Spaghetti Lunch fundraiser to support SPY. Read more here!
  • March 30 - Regular meeting
  • April 6 - Regular meeting
  • April 13 (Palm Sunday) - NO SPY, Montgomery County Spring Break
  • April 20 (Easter Sunday) - NO SPY, Montgomery County Spring Break
  • April 27 - Regular meeting
  • May 4 - Regular meeting
  • May 11 (Mother's Day) - NO SPY
  • May 18 - Movie night
  • May 25 (Memorial Day Weekend) - NO SPY
  • June 1 - Regular meeting
  • June 8 - End of Year Celebration & Party. Final SPY meeting of the 2024-2025 season. Have a happy summer break!
  • June 15 - (Father's Day) NO SPY

We continue to need adult volunteers to help lead SPY sessions during the year. If you have it on your heart to lead a few SPY meetings (curriculum and plans provided), please contact Pastor Sheridan at sallmond@stpaulsk.org.

IGNITE Youth COnference

March 7-9, 2025

Ocean City, MD

Registration Deadline: February 21 by 3:00 PM

The IGNITE youth conference is a special experience put together by the Baltimore-Washington & PeninsulaDelaware Conferences of the UMC. Like ROCK a generation before, the BWC conceives IGNITE as a high-impact, life-changing weekend for youth in grades 6-12. It features high-energy worship experiences with powerful worship bands and relevant, engaging messages from nationally and locally known speakers. 

Interactive and inspiring exhibits and activities led by dynamic professionals help participating youth build a diverse community both within and outside of each church’s group. Bishop LaTrelle Miller Easterling will be on hand, including a special Q&A with the Bishop. Retreat & Camping Ministries will be active in the Game Zone to lead crowd-favorite games from kickball to Giant Jenga, from ultimate frisbee to cornhole. 

The theme “& Go” is imspired by Matthew 28:19-20: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” 

Around 2,000 young people from across the region will attend - including several St. Paul’s Youth! We have secured a block of rooms in Ocean City, allowing our SPYs to stay close to the action at the Convention Center and also have a space to retreat and rest. 

To learn more, visit the IGNITE website at https://igniteforyouth.com/ or contact SPY volunteer Megan Montgomery!



Congratulations to these graduating high school seniors from the St. Paul's community for reaching this milestone. We wish you all the best as you move boldly into the next chapter of your lives!


Nathaniel Binantoro

Ryan Cooper*

Lucy Dahl*

Grace Denny*

William Mollenauer*

Grace Morford*

Jonah Richmond

Ivy Ruskin

Shannon Ryan*

Brian Paul Schwartz

William Simpson*

Daphne Wegner

Sofia Woldeab*

* Recipients of the 2024 Educational Award

Confirmation Class

Each year, youth in Grade 7 or above who have not been confirmed are invited to join Confirmation Class.

Confirmation Class for 2025 has not been scheduled yet! The information below may help you to envision what Confirmation entails.

If you have questions, please contact Pastor Sheridan (sallmond@stpaulsk.org) or Pastor Joey (joeyhm@stpaulsk.org) to ask about joining the class!


Confirmation is a serious commitment requiring regular attendance, study, service, and participation in certain worship services. Classes introduce important concepts about our faith, church history, and our membership vows, and build connections across generations within our faith community.


Participants who complete confirmation classes and choose to become full church members will be received into membership during the 10:30 AM worship service on Pentecost Sunday, or another Sunday.


The exact series of dates and courses can vary year to year. Confirmation class at St. Paul's has historically typically starts in January. 


The online signup form will be available when it's time to create the class roster. In the meantime, you can contact one of the pastors to express an interest in joining! Find our staff contact info at the Meet the Staff page.

Youth Ministry

Community Zoom Meeting

A community conversation to discuss the vision for our Youth Ministry was held on July 25, 2023 at 7:00 PM via Zoom. Parents, youth, children, and potential volunteers were all encouraged to share their thoughts and perspectives. You can click the button to open and read Pastor Pat's summary of the meeting.


This YouTube video from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership at Wesley Seminary is still available to stoke the fires of your imagination:


If you have questions, suggestions, or wish to be involved, please contact Pastor Sheridan (sallmond@stpaulsk.org) or Pastor Joey (joeyhm@stpaulsk.org)

St. Paul's Educational Award


St. Paul’s, through its Council on Youth Ministries, provides an Educational Award annually to one or more graduating High School Seniors to help cover expenses for their next stage of life, whatever that may look like! Award funds are made available through our generous donors and youth programming budget. Thank you!

Award amounts vary and are dependent on several factors, including available Educational Award funds and student responses to the application, which include academic and extracurricular achievement, need, and service to and engagement with the St. Paul's community. 

Applications are made available each year in May. Only those who apply can be considered!

To contribute to this fund, make checks out to St. Paul's UMC with "Ed Award" in the memo line, or go to the Giving page and scroll down to use the Additional Contribution Options, then type "Educational Award" as the designated fund or cause.

Since 1989, over $80,000 has been distributed to 120 college-bound students who have attended over 55 different college campuses in 18 states and the District of Columbia. 

Questions about the Educational Award? Contact Dr. Meg Baker at mbaker@stpaulsk.org.

SPY News

Updates and news-to-know can be found right here.

  • Emails Coming Your WAy!

    Our volunteer leaders have set up an email group to share SPY news and information quickly among SPY families. If you aren't getting these messages and would like to, email Rachel Stalcup directly or contact the church office (stpaulsunited@stpaulsk.org) to ask for her personal contact information.

  • Campership Financial Aid

    Did you know...

    We do a lot of great things here at St. Paul's Youth, and many are free or fairly inexpensive. However, we do have some events and trips that can cost quite a bit.

    We never want a youth to be left out because of money. St. Paul's has a scholarship/campership fund available to help individuals and families cover part or all of the costs associated with youth fellowship, retreat, camp, or service activities. 

    These events we attend can be life changing experiences and we don't want anyone to miss out! Don't let an activity's price tag hold you back. Contact one of the pastors to discuss scholarship/campership financial aid needs confidentially, one-on-one. Reach Pastor Sheridan at sallmond@stpaulsk.org or Pastor Joey at joeyhm@stpaulsk.org.

  • Youth CHoir update

    Youth singers are invited to check out the Sanctuary Choir this year! The Sanctuary Choir rehearses on Sunday mornings and sings each week for the 10:30 worship service. For questions or more information, visit our website or email Tom Pedersen, Director of Music, at tpedersen@stpaulsk.org.

  • you've got (less) mail

    When our youth volunteer leaders have news to share, we put it into the pages of the church's monthly newsletter: The Epistle from St. Paul's. If you would like to be added to the Epistle mailing list, you can email Erin Steele in the church office at stpaulsunited@stpaulsk.org and a copy will magically show up in your real snail-mail mailbox about once a month. 

    We'll also be revising and updating this website regularly so it's up to date with info and links.