Prayer requests at St. Paul's

We welcome your prayer requests! Please use the form below. Whether you are a member, a friend, or someone unknown to us, we welcome your prayer request. At St. Paul's, we are privileged to raise your joys and concerns in prayer. You have the option to share confidentially with only the pastors or to share with the entire Prayer Team. 

Scroll down the page or click HERE to jump to information about our Prayerwaves ministry, a weekly telephone conference call time during which our Prayer Team takes turns praying the prayers of the people.

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10:00 AM

St. Paul's members and friends meet weekly on a telephone conference call for prayer over the airwaves - or, Prayerwaves.

Here’s what we do: 

  • Each week, Dr. Meg Baker, Minister of Spiritual Care & Formation, sends out an email with prayer requests and call-in instructions. 
  • On Wednesdays, we each call into the conference call number a few minutes before the meeting starts so we're ready to begin at 10:00. 
  • Then, using the prayer list from the office email, we take turns offering brief prayers as people have requested. 
  • Often we dip into the list from previous weeks when we know that a concern or joy is persisting. 
  • Many times one or more of us knows the person making the request, other times not. People request prayers for themselves, for relatives and friends, for our church, community, country, and the world. 

All who wish to join us in prayer are welcome. To receive the prayer requests and log-in reminders by email, contact Meg at

Connecting with Prayerwaves is easy. A few minutes before 10:00 a.m. on Wednesdays, phone into this number: 425-436-6326. A voice will then ask for the “access code.” Then dial in this number: 774042. Then press #. (If you get a "wrong number" message, please try again.) Prayerwaves sessions usually last about half an hour.

We feel honored and privileged, even empowered that people ask us to pray along with them, and we often give thanks for their trust and faith.

Let’s make Prayerwaves!