Feed Your Soul with Worship At St. Paul's

In Person Worship in the Sanctuary

Summer Schedule

10:30 AM worship only

June 2 - Sept. 1, 2024

Starting September 8, 2024

Most Sundays at 9:00 AM and 10:30 AM

"Fifth Sunday, One Community" worship Sept. 29 & Dec. 29 at 10:30 AM only

We come together in worship in-person in the Sanctuary on Sunday mornings. During the programming year (which roughly aligns with the traditional "school year") we offer services at both 9:00 AM and 10:30 AM in-person worship services on most Sundays. There are some exceptions where we bring the whole community to one worship service only at 10:30 AM. During the summer, our entire community comes together for one service at 10:30 AM.

For those who worship at home, or wherever you may be, our 10:30 AM service is livestreamed each Sunday - visit our Worship at Home page for the video livestream. The stream is also recorded and the video remains available for later viewing for about three weeks.

Please scroll down for highlights about upcoming worship opportunities and other details! 

Nursery care for preschoolers and younger is available during the 10:30 worship time. During the programming year (Sept.-May), we offer Sunday School on most Sundays during the 10:30 worship hour for children in Grade K-5. For Sunday School or Nursery questions, contact Dr. Meg Baker at mbaker@stpaulsk.org or visit our Children's page to learn more.

Worship This Month...

We warmly welcome everyone to worship indoors in the Sanctuary. 

Here are some worship highlights:

  • September 1 - worship at 10:30 AM only, with communion
  • September 8 - worship at 9:00 AM and 10:30 AM: The Sanctuary Choir's first Sunday back after break! Third Graders will receive Bibles and Sunday School and Christian Education teachers will be consecrated for their work in the coming year.
  • September 15 - worship at 9:00 AM and 10:30 AM: First Day of Sunday School for the 2024-2025 year, meeting during the 10:30 worship hour. Find the registration link on our Children's page.
  • September 22 - worship at 9:00 AM and 10:30 AM.
  • September 29 - worship at 10:30 AM only: "Fifth Sunday, One Community" brings everyone together for a single service at 10:30 AM. Read more in the section below!

Weekday Office Hours

If you would like to visit during the week, the office is open! 

  • Drop-in hours Sept.-May: Monday-Thursday, 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM.
  • Drop-in hours June-August: Tuesday-Thursday, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM.
  • Access to the building and meeting times are also available by appointment! If you can't make the "drop in" hours, just reach out. We'll find a time that works.
  • We strongly encourage appointments so you're able to see the person you most wish to visit! Please go to our Meet the Staff page, where you will find contact info for our clergy and staff who will be happy to assist you.

During most Sundays in the programming year (Sept-May), we offer Sunday School classes for children in grades K-5 during the 10:30 worship hour. There are also designated Sundays, about once a month, when children will be in worship with their families for the entire service and classes will not be held. Additional information about children's programming and Sunday School is available on our Children's page.

To worship from home or wherever you are, please go to our Worship at Home page for the livestream each Sunday at 10:30 AM and *pdf of the worship bulletin.

Please note: ALL PLANS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. We may adapt to inclement weather conditions or the covid-19 situation. Our first goal is always to keep our community as safe as possible.

Fifth Sunday, One Community

When there are five Sundays in a month, we use the fifth Sunday as an opportunity to bring together all of our worshipers at one time and will hold a single Sunday service at 10:30 AM. (There will be no 9:00 AM worship service offered on these days.)

While the usual 9:00 and 10:30 worship formats differ somewhat and each is valuable, it is also valuable to gather all our members and friends together as one community, singing and praying together. 

Fifth Sunday, One Community embraces worshipers of all ages. There is no Sunday School programming this day, and families will be together in the Sanctuary. This is a time for all to remember and live into the vows we make at baptism to help our young people grow in faith and become familiar with the rhythms of worship.

"Fifth Sunday, One Community" dates for 2024-2025 are:

September 29, 2024

December 29, 2024

March 30, 2025

June 29, 2025

Communion BRead

In order that all people in worship are welcome to partake of communion as one body sharing one loaf, all St. Paul’s communion bread is now gluten-free.

A Message from Rev. Dr. Patricia Allen

February 9, 2023

Communion is one of two sacraments recognized in The United Methodist Church. 

It is considered a means of grace: 

A way in which God works, through reminding us of our connection to Christ and each other. 

A way in which Christ offers forgiveness and hope. 

A way in which we are invited to be part of God’s Kingdom's wholeness. 

It is all these things, and so much more than a piece of bread and the taste of grape juice.

We sometimes forget the sacredness, instead focusing on the ritualistic opportunity. We know what we like, and are quite certain of what we don’t.

However, the communion table is one of the places where the playing field for all of us is leveled. All of the distinguishing factors that tend to give us oneupsmanship are stripped away. We all come to the sacred table in all of our imperfectness, looking to find a space to belong.

At St. Paul's, we honor the open table that stretches beyond our individual comfort zones. ALL are welcome. Providing one gluten free loaf from which all will partake and offering one cup is just one of the ways we keep this sacred table open.

Our previous "St. Paul's bread" recipe is still available for you to bake at home, but it and many other bread recipes doesn't necessarily adapt to gluten-free flour easily. As we continue to perfect our bread offerings, don’t get so hung up on the taste of bread that you miss the opportunity to taste and see the goodness of the Lord the bread represents.

~Pastor Pat

You can download the original "St. Paul's Communion Bread" recipe by clicking HERE.

THe Mask Question - Answered!

Masks are optional in almost all St. Paul's spaces.

As of October 2022, masks are optional for: 

  • In-person worship including regular Sunday services, funerals/memorials, or special worship events.
  • Meetings with staff.
  • Small group meetings.
  • Music ensembles.
  • Community or private groups holding events in St. Paul's spaces.
  • Staff & volunteers working in the Nursery.

We expect all members of the St. Paul's community to show care for one another by:

  • Treating others with respect, whether mask-wearing or non-mask-wearing.
  • Wearing a mask if you have been recently exposed to a covid-positive "close contact," in case you may be carrying the virus.
  • Staying home if you feel sick.
  • Staying home if you test positive for covid or are exposed to covid, using current CDC guidelines.

Some other FAQ's:

  • St. Paul's will continue to make hand sanitizer and disposable face masks available in the Narthex for any who wish to use them.
  • There are no covid-related seating capacity rules or social distancing restrictions in the Sanctuary.
  • Public or large-scale meal events and indoor receptions or repasts are allowed, but are scheduled based on building use needs and staff availability.
  • Small groups may ask participants to wear masks for specific activities. We do wish to honor the requests of immune-compromised or vaccine-ineligible individuals when doing so is feasible. Please see your group leader if you have specific concerns.

Thank you for showing care for one another throughout the pandemic, and through each phase of re-opening. We know that wearing masks reduces covid transmission, and that vaccinations reduce the likelihood of serious illness. We also know that gathering together at any time carries risks of spreading a variety of infectious diseases. Only you can decide what is right for yourself or your family based on your health conditions and comfort levels. 

More info about visiting us

We encourage calling or emailing ahead of your visit, to ensure that you get to meet the person you most want to see. In addition to posted drop-in office hours and worship hours, clergy and staff are available at other times by appointment. 

Because of the girls' school in residence here, we are able to grant limited access to the facilities on weekdays on a case-by-case basis. 

Click here to find out more about our worship services during a typical time in the life of the church.

Click here to learn more about music ministries at St. Paul's.

Click here to find Worship-at-Home videos.