Rise Against Hunger (formerly Stop Hunger Now) is a non-profit organization that distributes food and other life-saving aid to vulnerable people around the world. They hold meal-packaging events around the country and then send the meals to affiliates in developing countries. We are working to fine tune the process of set-up, volunteer check in, etc. and are looking forward to a meaningful day of service.
This year, the event will be held Sunday, April 30, immediately following the 10:30 worship service.
There will be jobs for everyone—from filling bags to weighing, sealing, boxing and loading the truck. The Justice and Compassion team looks forward to your participation to reach St. Paul’s goal of packaging 30-40,000 meals in about 2 hours. To that end, we need approximately 150 volunteers. This is an excellent family serving opportunity (ages 5+) and an inter-generational event. On-line registration is now open. Childcare is available.
Just click HERE.
We need your donations!
Because we are packaging approximately 35,000 meals, we need your help to meet our goal.
Donate when you sign up online at the end of the registration form.