Lent & Easter

Join us as we move through the Lenten journey and into the excitement of Easter and the promise of the Risen Christ.

Lent & EASTEr

Worship Opportunities and Events are listed below. All are welcome.

  • Palm & Passion Sunday

    March 24

    9:00 AM & 10:30 AM

    Commemorate both the triumphant arrival of Jesus into Jerusalem, and the turn the crowd takes. Both 9:00 AM and 10:30 AM worship services will include communion; the 10:30 AM service also includes music from the Joyful Ringers bell ensemble and a special anthem prepared by the Children's Choir under the direction of Ms. Christina Griffin. Stay for a sipping ministry time of fellowship in the Octagon after the 10:30 service, sponsored by the 2x4s and the Stalcup family. The 10:30 service will also be viewable through our livestream - Worship at Home (click here!).

  • STations of the cross

    This program honors the ancient story of Jesus’ earthly journey and death while recognizing the ways this narrative speaks to us and our world today. Scroll down or click here to read more about this year's self-guided Stations of the Cross experience. If you have any questions, please contact Meg Baker at mbaker@stpaulsk.org or 301-933-7933 ext. 104.

    Located in the Octagon

    Open 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM and 5:00-7:00 PM. 

    Monday through Friday

    March 25-29, 2024

  • Maundy Thursday

    March 28, 2024

    7:30 PM

    Featuring the Sanctuary Choir and Chamber Orchestra

    In-person in the Sanctuary

    Livestreaming at stpaulsk.org/worship/worship-at-home

    This evening worship experience includes the presentation of the moving musical program "At His Name" featuring the Sanctuary Choir, narration from Rev. Dr. Patricia Allen, and a 13-piece chamber orchestra. Please read more in the message from Director of Music, Mr. N. Thomas Pedersen, on our Music page.

  • Good Friday

    Friday, March 29, 2024

    7:30 PM

    In-person in the Sanctuary

    Livestreaming at stpaulsk.org/worship/worship-at-home

    Good Friday, also sometimes called Black Friday or Holy Friday, commemorates the crucifixion and death of Christ. The service will be somber and reflective, and features music selected by organist Marvin Mills. Worship in-person in the the Sanctuary or visit the Worship at Home page for the livestream.

  • Easter Sunday

    March 31, 2024

    7:00 AM - in-person, outdoors in Clum-Kennedy Park

    9:00 AM - in-person in the Sanctuary at St. Paul's

    10:30 AM - in-person in the Sanctuary at St. Paul's and livestreaming

    Celebrate the message of hope made alive in the resurrection of Jesus Christ! 

    The First Service of Easter will be held outdoors in the garden-like setting of Clum-Kennedy Park at 7:00 AM. Clum-Kennedy Park is at the intersection of Kensington Parkway and Frederick Avenue in Kensington. Parking is available beside the park on Kensington Parkway, or across the intersection in the shopping center parking lot at 10251 Kensington Parkway (between Johnson's flowers and Old Town Market). As with our outdoor services in the past year, please bring your own chairs and dress comfortably for whatever the weather might bring. Acoustic guitar music for this service will be provided by David Weaver and Beth Pierce.

    Easter Worship in the Sanctuary. Both the 9:00 AM & 10:30 AM services will be held in the Sanctuary of St. Paul's UMC at 10401 Armory Avenue, and will include the Sanctuary Choir and brass. The children's Easter Egg Hunt will follow the 10:30 service - please read more below.

    The 10:30 service will also be livestreamed for those who prefer to worship at home. You will be able to find the video and a downloadable *pdf of the worship bulletin on our Worship at Home page.

  • Easter Eggstravaganza

    Children in 5th grade and younger will have an opportunity to participate in an Easter Egg Hunt following the 10:30 AM worship service on Easter Sunday. Children should bring their own basket or bag. Children will gather for coloring activities and will be called to Reinhardt Park (immediately across from St. Paul's front doors) by age group.

    If you can assist with the Egg Hunt, please contact Minister of Spiritual Care and Formation, Dr. Meg Baker at mbaker@stpaulsk.org or 301-933-7933 ext 104. Donations of stuffed plastic eggs (no nuts or chocolate, please!) are very welcome, and can be placed in the box in the main office.

Stations of the Cross 2024

During Holy Week, St. Paul's hosts a themed Stations of the Cross experience, with each station sponsored by a church group, family, or individual. This program honors the ancient story of Jesus’ earthly journey and death while recognizing the ways this narrative speaks to us and our world today. 

Located in the Octagon

Open 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM and 5:00-7:00 PM. 

Monday through Friday

March 25-29, 2024

The Stations of the Cross are a series of Scriptures which tell the story of the crucifixion. Even though we know that death does not have the final word and resurrection is coming, this is a practice that gives us an opportunity to reflect and repent. This self-guided experience consists of six stations (abbreviated from the traditional fourteen). Each station will invite you to reflect in different ways on a particular thought or Scripture.

St. Paul’s Stations of the Cross event this year invites us to walk “the way of sorrows” to the cross through the eyes of one of Jesus’ closest disciples. The experience highlights Peter’s role in the crucifixion narrative, helping us to follow Jesus to his death with Peter as our companion. Each of the six stations, based on narratives from the Gospel of John, provides multisensory ways to imagine, engage, confess, and lament. By focusing on Peter, we can consider how we might have acted and behaved had we been there as one of Jesus’ followers and friends.

Station 1: Peter resists then receives the foot washing -- JOHN 13:1-20

Station 2: Jesus foretells Peter’s denials -- JOHN 13:31-38

Station 3: Peter draws his sword -- JOHN 18:1-11

Station 4: Jesus is arrested and Peter denies Christ -- JOHN 1 8 : 1 2 - 1 8

Station 5: Peter denies Christ again and again -- JOHN 1 8 : 1 9 - 2 7

Station 6: Jesus is Crucified  -- JOHN 1 9 : 1 - 3 0

Those who wish to participate as hosts during visiting hours or who have questions should contact Dr. Meg Baker at mbaker@stpaulsk.org or 301-933-7933 ext. 104.

Easter Offerings

God has blessed the ministries of this church and has allowed us a vision that looks far beyond our own Sanctuary to see people and places in need. Each year, we dedicate 100% of our Easter Special Offering to serve those outside the walls of St. Paul's. 

Click the button to donate by credit card.

Easter Special Offering

St. Paul's leaders serving in the Simplified Accountability Model determine which organizations benefit from the Easter Special Offering donations. For 2024, the Easter Special Offering will be divided evenly between the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) and the Hunger Ministry at St. Paul's. UMCOR provides emergency relief and commits to long-term rebuilding whenever war or natural disaster damages a community in the US or worldwide. The Hunger Ministry provides any household facing food insecurity in the 20895 ZIP code with shelf-stable groceries and a grocery store card for purchasing perishables and dignified access to hygiene products.

Donations by cash or check may be sent to St. Paul's by mail (St. Paul's UMC, Attn: T. Furman, 10401 Armory Avenue, Kensington MD 20895) or drop-off any time using the office door mail slot. Checks should be made payable to "St. Paul’s UMC" with the words “Easter Offering” on the memo line. Special offering envelopes will be available in the worship bulletins for Easter Sunday.

Please note, all other offerings or donations, such as those toward regular giving or pledges, should be made using an envelope other than the Easter Offering envelope. Thank you!

Easter Lily ORders

St. Paul’s Sanctuary will have Easter lilies this year. Lily sponsors may make a dedication, in memory or honor of loved ones, which will be shared in our commemorative Lily Bulletin. 

Online ordering using a credit card will be open March 7-24. 

Click the button to go to our secure online Lily Order form and pay online using a credit card.

Lily Orders

In-person orders using cash or check and paper forms will be received by our Lily Volunteers in the Narthex on March 10, 17, and 24. 

Sponsors may take home their plants following the 10:30 a.m. worship service on Easter, March 31, 2024. (The church office is closed on Easter Monday, April 1.) Plants can also be picked up during drop-in office hours starting April 2. 

Egg My Yard

Deadline to sign up: Friday, March 15, 2024

Egg My Yard Fundraiser to Support St. Paul’s Shelter Meals

What is Egg My Yard?

How would you like to wake up to a yard filled with candy-stuffed eggs from the Easter Bunny? We can make it happen!

30 eggs = $25

50 eggs = $45

70 eggs = $75

In order to participate, fill out this Google survey: https://forms.gle/dmm3UhNLxjxb1FBj6

You must live in Rockville/Silver Spring/Kensington area. 

Your Easter eggs will be delivered either Friday or Saturday night before Easter (based on your preference). We have limited capacity, so sign up soon! Feel free to share with friends/neighbors!


St. Paul’s has a several decades-long commitment to the Taft Court shelter off Gude Drive (formerly the Wilkins Avenue facility). Historically, St. Paul’s undertook to provide meals for one spring week, with various church groups preparing and serving 35-40 dinners daily and providing sandwich bags for the week. This could include the Methodist Men, several women circles, the confirmands class, adult classes, choir, and Justice & Compassion, all who covered expenses. During COVID (2020-2022), a group at St. Paul’s formed to purchase, prepare and deliver breakfast supplies and hot meals, rotating between Taft Ct., a short-term shelter in Silver Spring, and a new shelter at Crabb’s Branch Way in Rockville. The church is seeking funds to help support this ongoing effort.

Why the 2x4s?

The 2x4s tend to be church attendees in their 20s to 40s, though we don't card folks - your age doesn't prohibit you from being a part of this group! Historically, we have been a social group but this will be our first fundraising effort toward St. Paul's ministries.

Would you like to volunteer to help with this effort? Use Rachel Stalcup's email, found in the Weekly News! We need folks to stuff eggs and of course, sneaky folks to help hide eggs!