We will once again enjoy lilies in the Sanctuary on Easter Sunday.
Each lily costs $15.
Lilies may be dedicated in honor or memory of a loved one.
Please scroll down and click the "Order Lilies" button to be taken to our secure online credit card processing site.
If you prefer to order using check or cash, please see the table in the Narthex following worship on Sundays, March 31 or April 7, or visit the office during the week. Checks may be made payable to St. Paul’s UMC with “Easter Lily” on the memo line.
Please join us for Easter Sunday worship services on April 21.
Click here to see the entire schedule of worship services
offered during Holy Week and Easter.
You may take home your plants following the 10:30 a.m. worship service on Easter Sunday, April 21, or pick them up in the Narthex on April 28. Plants left after that time may be delivered to church members who need a little extra cheer.
Please contact the church office if you have any questions.